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Amélie-Pascale Préville

personal trainer and fitness instructor







This intermediate/Advanced class utilizes challenging intervals and supersets of cardio work, muscle conditioning, and athletic drills that result in a complete total body workout and full on sweat. Bring your water bottle and someone to carry you out after class!!

We take the "work" out of workout,
by mixing low-intensity and high-intensity moves for an interval-style, calorie-burning dance fitness party. Once the Latin and World rhythms take over, you'll see why Zumba® Fitness classes are often called exercise in disguise. Super effective? Check. Super fun? Check and check.. 

This class offers three segments of different types of cardio, dance, strength and core based formats that can change every week. Each segment will be approximately 20 minutes long. If you are somebody that likes variety, then you will love the spontaneity of this class. Fusing together intensities and different types of exercises create intervals and variations.

This mat workout is based on techniques developed by Joseph Pilates which includes concentrated work on core strength, body alignment and muscular balance. The overall goal of Pilates is to lengthen and tone the muscles of the core without adding bulk. If you are looking for that long, lean, strong body this is the class for you!




Strong by Zumba Is a High Intensity Interval Training class using more traditional fitness moves for a more athletic, conditioning-style workout. You use your own body weight as resistance to achieve muscle definition. There are movements inspired by dance but these are limited compared to a Zumba® class, so it's perfect for those not comfortable in a full-out dance class.





Fessier/Abs ballon

Tone up and slim down with this fun and versatile workout tool, a must-have for ABS exercises and total-body workouts. Join our group and learn the basic and more advance movements on how to handle the ball. The program is design to tone and strengthen your entire body but more focus on abs and butt, combine functional fitness moves and free weights. The class will suit beginner and fitness enthusianst.






A session is based on simple exercises of muscle building, running (or walking). Individual or group exercises are performed in the form of challenges.

The bootcamp is open to everyone and everyone can do It as soon as it aims to improve his fitness, Whether you want to slim down, run longer, do push up, go up 3 floors without being out of breath or just get out of the routine and train in a group.


Postural, stretch and Balance class

Gentle exercise class designed to improve balance, strength and flexibility. 

Stand Taller and Function Better.

This class will offer easy-to-understand and hands-on techniques to incorporate good posture and body alignment into your daily life to reduce injury or pain!

Suitable for beginners or those new to exercise.

APP Optimal Fitness

 St-Lazare, Québec
Tel: 514-827-3676


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